Meet the workplace consulting team!

Meet the workplace consulting team

With the new year we have a few new faces, so it seems a good time to introduce our workplace consulting team of on-site health professionals. You might be surprised by the range of services and expertise on offer! In alphabetical order…

Karen Barnett

Karen is a physiotherapist who works with on-site clients delivering pre-employment assessments, ergonomic screenings, manual handling training and workplace health programs.

Workplace Consulting team
Karen educating Koalas on the importance of manual handling and injury prevention

Matt Cooper

Matt is an Exercise Scientist who delivers a range of fatigue management services (including awareness training, procedure training, leadership training) and injury prevention services (including manual handling training, ergonomic training and task analysis).

Fatigue Training
Matt training a group of shift workers about individual fatigue risk

Nick Davies

Nick is an experienced physiotherapist who works with several mining operations in the Hunter Valley. As part of his on-site role he provides early intervention, injury management and injury prevention services. He also helps our clients roll out a range of workplace health programs.

Workplace consulting team

Connor Eyers

Connor is a physiotherapist and works with a number of open cut mining operations, providing early intervention, injury management and injury prevention services. He also helps our clients roll out a range of workplace health programs.

James Morris

James is a dietitian and works with several local aged care facilities, providing individual dietetic counselling for residents and a range of food service consulting services, including menu reviews and audit compliance.

Chris Morton

Chris is an experienced physiotherapist who delivers pre-employment assessments and ergonomic consulting services to a range of blue and white-collar clients.

Daniel O’Neill

Daniel is a senior industrial physiotherapist and injury prevention specialist. He works across all industry sectors providing training, task analysis and bespoke consulting services.

Dan conducting practical manual handling training

Dr Jane Watson

Jane is an experienced dietitian and researcher. She oversees a range of research activities for Ethos Health’s corporate clients – if you ask us to assess and improve a process or stage in your workforce health management system, Jane will be heavily involved. Jane also helps deliver healthy weight and other health improvement programs to organisations.

Jane Watson supporting NSW Minerals Council

Dr Trent Watson

Trent is an experienced dietitian and subject matter expert in fatigue management. Trent helps organisations develop and implement a leading end to end fatigue risk management system. Trent also manages the delivery of wider workplace health programs, including the ReShape initiative.

Trent supporting one of our clients as a subject matter expert

Benn West

Benn is an experienced exercise physiologist who works with a number of clients, including local government, utilities and aged care, delivering manual handling training and workplace health programs.

Benn demonstrating a prestart warm up for one of our clients

If your organisation would like support regarding the occupational health and safety of your workforce, please click here to find out more or contact us here.

Staff Profile: James Morris

James with his lovely wife Gabi When and how did you start working for Ethos? After graduating, I ...

Splitting time between home and the office?

Question What do a multi-site law firm, a local council with 1000 employees, a financial services business, the ...

Online Fatigue Management Platform

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Hunter Safety Award Winner

We are very proud to be the Hunter Safety Award winner of the Best WHS Training Course for ...

Staff Profile: Matt Cooper

When and how did you start working for Ethos? It was more of a transition to Ethos Health ...

“My industry, organisation or department doesn’t need to do pre-employment screening”

You are quite possibly correct! You might have a division, or indeed a whole workforce, of roles with ...