Healthy Eating

Quality, Quantity & Practical Tips 

You are what you eat. Getting the most out of your food is all about understanding what food you should be eating and how much, then making it happen every day. However, we understand that this is easier said than done.  

This workshop will take participants on a journey through the foundations of a healthy diet, discuss the barriers that may stand in the way, and then provide practical tips to help participants walk away motivated to make dietary changes that meet their tastes, preferences and health goals. 

Learning objectives & content

1)  To understand the short- and long-term impact of nutritional intake. 

2)  To understand how to establish a balanced energy intake and nutritional adequacy to optimise energy levels and health outcomes. 

3)  To understand barriers to healthy eating and possible actions to overcome these barriers. 

Learning resources 

This training can be supported with a range of resources including: 

1)  Nutrition survey to quantify nutrition quality and areas or improvement 

2)  Diet plans 

3)  Nutrition information sheets 

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