Making significant differences to health of employees

healthy employees panel

Our CEO Dr Trent Watson presented on a panel at Newcastle Business Club event on Tuesday 7 May 2019 attended by a crowd of 50 business people discussing research of organisations that promote health and healthy employees. The other panel members include Jaelea Skehan of Everymind and Charlotte Thaarup of The Mindfulness Clinic, and moderated by Meg Purser.

The research showed that organisations that promote good health are 3x more likely to be productive, 8x more likely to have employees engaged in the business, and 4x less likely to lose staff. Further, for every dollar spent creating a mentally healthy workplace for their employees, on average $2.30 was returned. The panel discussed in their experience what initiatives they have seen that have been value for money in the areas of mental and physical health, small and large business, blue and white collar work forces, and creating a culture of health in the workplace.

If you would like any more information regarding workplace health contact us

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