Leadership Training (Manual Handling)

This workshop teaches the leaders the fundamentals of a risk management approach to hazardous manual tasks utilising the PErforM model. Participative Ergonomics for Manual Tasks (PErforM) is a simple manual task risk management program based on participative ergonomics, an internationally recommended approach for reducing musculo-skeletal disorders.

A hazardous manual task is a task requiring a person to lift, lower, push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain any person, animal or thing involving one or more of the following:

  • repetitive or sustained force
  • high or sudden force
  • repetitive movement
  • sustained or awkward posture, or
  • exposure to vibration.

Getting workers to engage and continually use safe manual task practices and take responsibility for their individual risk factors is one of the most challenging issues for the leadership in a workplace. This leadership training program is designed to upskill your workforce leaders to manage musculo-skeletal health and safety in a systematic, consultative and compliant. Giving leaders the practical skills to be able to use a risk based approach to reviewing manual task risk, employ sound mechanical movement principles when supporting their colleagues performing manual tasks and engage workers in healthier & safer behaviour.

Learning objectives & content

Participants will finish the course with competency in the following areas

  • Instruct others regarding manual task safe work procedures to minimise the risk of injury
  • Identify workplace specific hazardous manual tasks
  • Undertake and lead manual task risk assessments
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