MoveSAFE Framework

The MoveSAFE Framework provides organisations with a structured approach when managing Musculoskeletal Disorders in the workplace.

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The MoveSAFE Framework provides organisations with a structured approach when managing Musculoskeletal Disorders in the workplace.


Accelerated Recovery

Leadership, communication, systems & culture

MoveSAFE survey score

RESHAPE workshop

MoveSAFE strategic review

MoveSAFE culture survey

MoveSAFE alignment workshop

Leadership & supervisor training

Work area ergonomics, task design & nature if work

# High Risk Tasks/Ergo Assessments

Ergonomic review (onsite, online)

Manual task risk assessment & report

Role profiles (Job dictionary)

Task database

Employee capability to safely perform work tasks (skills & technique)

# Training competencies against schedule

Online training needs analysis*

Manual task competency-based training (F2F, remote)

Refresher training (F2F, remote*)

Manual task training videos*

Employee capacity to perform work tasks (physical, mental health & functional fitness)

HRA scores, pre-employment & periodic assmts

Recovery enablers (e.g. suitable duties, RTW, support early treatment)

Injury reporting & days to access treatment

Lag Indicators



W/C Premium


Avg claims cost (medical/legal)