Staff Profile: James Morris

James with his lovely wife Gabi

When and how did you start working for Ethos?

After graduating, I worked in insurance and as a contract dietitian in private practice. During this time, Trent provided informal mentoring and when an opportunity at Ethos came up in October 2017, I took it.

Describe your role.

In one word: Diverse!

In one sentence: My role is a combination of many things which include delivering training, developing tech solutions for surveys, webinars and client management… oh, and also some work as an actual dietitian!

What’s the best part of your job?

Definitely collaborating with co-workers. Good collaborations are more likely to lead to effective solutions. I like seeing ideas develop and being part of packaging them into an end-product. The highlight for me is seeing people benefit from the health messages delivered.

What’s the worst part of your job?

People not realising the gravity of their health choices and compromising their potential.

What do you enjoy outside of work?

Lots of things! Gardening, DIY house renovations, having a couple of beers with mates, watching sport and snowboarding.

Can you tell us something we probably don’t know about you? (any unusual talents, etc.)

I’m a supreme karaoke champion!

Anything unusual about your childhood?

Up until I was 12 years old, my family moved regularly due to Dad’s work. We lived in numerous mining towns in ‘exotic’ outback locations such as Moranbah (the ‘Jewel of Central Qld’), Blackwater, Emerald, Blackwater (again), Middle Mount and Moura.

What makes you smile?

Having a joke with mates. Coming home to my beautiful wife, Gabi. Chocolate Fridays at work!

What keeps you awake at night?

My wife’s two cats! They are at the top of the hierarchy in our house.

What do you do to stay healthy?

A strict diet of servo sandwiches and mountains of tinned tuna… and not taking yourself too seriously.

Any health tips?

I’m pretty lazy so I’ve found I need to have a financial or social commitment to make sure I exercise regularly. For example, a gym membership or committing to a touch footy comp. Creating an obligation to exercise means I will do it.

Who does the cooking at home?

Gabi, my wife, and I share the cooking, which means I inflict my terrible cooking on her. I would call myself an efficient cook as there are really only two types of meals I cook: BBQ meat with veggies or spaghetti bolognese.

Would you share a recipe?

(an easy, healthy meal – breakfast, lunch or dinner – that includes fruit, vegetables or salad)

A big shout-out to Chef Andrew from Bulga from our onsite cooking sessions where we cooked Chicken Chermoula 16 times!!

Staff Profile: James Morris

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