Staff Profile: Matt Cooper

When and how did you start working for Ethos?

It was more of a transition to Ethos Health than a start. I was working in sales at SP Health, a sister company of Ethos Health at the time, and was talking to Trent (Ethos CEO) about my background in sports science. From that conversation came work in fatigue training which then evolved into a 50:50 role between Ethos Health and SP Health. This became a full-time role with Ethos and recently I have also become a shareholder.

Describe your role in one sentence.

A health and safety consultant that provides training, consultancy and technology services for organisations, along with website design and development (internal and external).  

What’s the best part of your job?

The variability and flexibility of my role and working with the Ethos team are the highlights of my job. One day I might be in Queensland training a management team, the next developing a website and then delivering a sales pitch to an organisation about our technology. My work arrangements are flexible. I am based in Sydney and work from the office or from home (and this started well before Covid!). I especially like working with a great team that have like-minded goals and visions.

What’s the worst part of your job?

The travel! Sometimes I clock up 4,000 kilometres in the car in a month. Trips now are mostly within New South Wales, with clients predominantly in the Central West, Hunter Valley and Sydney. In an ideal world, I’d like my work to be closer to the UK and close family and friends.

What do you enjoy outside of work?

I play football for Curl Curl FC on Sydney’s Northern Beaches*. I like spending time on the beach around the Manly area and snorkelling at Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve. Also socialising with friends, particularly at outdoor venues. 

* Matt is too modest to include that he plays in the Manly-Warringah Football Association (MWFA) Men’s Premier League and is described as a ‘gun striker’.

Can you tell us something we probably don’t know about you? (any unusual talents, etc.)

When I was in primary school, a couple of friends and I accidentally burnt down a local farmer’s barn – which I am not proud of. We had just learnt how to how to start fires and on this particular occasion we had located the fire near some hay bales which then caught a light. Not knowing what to use to put the fire out I decided to pee on it… which did little to put out the fire. The blaze took two days to fully extinguish. Not one of my finest moments I must say.

Anything unusual about your childhood?

I grew up in Bratton, a small village in south west England (Population: 1,000) not far from Bath. I spent lots of time with my cousins who lived down the road. The famous Westbury White Horse is near Bratton and was carved into the chalky hillside about 400 years ago   

What makes you smile?

I am a massive fan of ‘I’m Alan Partridge’ and Steve Coogan in general. Being from the UK, the weather in Australia makes me smile as it enables me to live an active and outdoors lifestyle.

What keeps you awake at night?

Two things:

  1. Not scoring a goal at Saturday football (I am a striker).
  2. Coming up with new creating ideas. I love coming up with new ways to do things.

What do you do to stay healthy?

I play football 3 times a week and also enjoy walking, running and getting to the gym. My girlfriend, Emma, and I focus on being healthy during the work week, so that we can indulge on the weekends.

Any health tips?

Make sure your healthy changes become sustainable behaviour, which really means you have got to enjoy it. Measure your progress on a regular basis and ensure you have someone with you to keep you accountable.

Overnight Oats

Who does the cooking at home?

It used to be me 70% of the time but I have managed to swing the pendulum to 50/50 now with my girlfriend Emma. Emma is a very adventurous cook which helps me move away from eating chicken wraps each evening.  

Would you share a recipe?
Overnight oats is my go-to breakfast. It’s easy, tasty and convenient for early morning starts.

Link to overnight oats recipe –


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