Online Fatigue Management Platform

Our new FatigueTech platform is the easiest way to implement, monitor and manage a workplace fatigue risk management system.

Fatigue presents both a safety and health risk to a workplace, its workers and others. Fatigue can be caused by a number of inter-related workplace and/or personal risk factors. High risk workplaces will often have factors that include, but are not limited to, shift work, extended work hours, limited breaks, job demands or adverse environmental conditions that often need to be considered when managing workforce fatigue.

However, controlling workplace risk is not the only solution because the workplace cannot control what workers do when they are not at work. Thus, workers are often best placed to know whether they are fatigued and play a critical role in managing workplace fatigue. Under legislation, workplaces are required to eliminate or, where elimination is not possible, minimise the risks identified in their work activities.

FatigueTech is a digital platform that integrates 3 functions in one secure system. Regardless of your organisation’s geography, shift patterns or industry sector, FatigueTech makes it easy to meet health and safety obligations and support workers with the necessary knowledge, skills and resources to:

1. Manage Personal Risk Factors:

A stepped care model (figure 1 below) which is a staged approach to the delivery of services comprising a hierarchy of interventions. This ensures that employees can access the most appropriate services for their needs at any time, including the ability to step up and step down to different levels of care to match their needs.

2. Implement Workplace Fatigue Mitigation Strategies:

The FatigueTech App enables workplaces to automate the implementation and monitoring of an organisations Fatigue Risk Management System.

3. Training

Train the workforce, supervisors and leaders to competency level using our online LMS to competency levels regarding identification and management of fatigue risk factors and fatigue events. Online delivery minimises downtime and impact on other business functions.

Each of the three functions outlined above can be implemented separately, or combined as part of an integrated, comprehensive approach to fatigue risk management.

For information go to or do not hesitate to contact us if you would like a demo or to talk with one of our fatigue consultants about possible applications in your business.

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Monitor Fatigue across your workforce

Automate your company procedure

All in one Fatigue Management App

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