Neck pain

How common is neck pain? Research estimates between 25% and 70% of us will experience neck pain at some point in our lives, and 30-50% of us will experience it each year1. What is the impact of neck pain? The impact of neck pain varies, from a short period of low-grade pain, all the way…

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Meet Jess our new physiotherapist

Describe your role in one sentence. In the clinic, I get the opportunity to empower individuals on how to manage pain/injury, but also assist with them improving their performance by learning more about their bodies. I also have a role in workplace services where I observe, assess, and implement strategies to reduce and manage injuries…

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What are soft tissue injuries?

Think strains and sprains to our muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Common soft tissue injuries include hamstring tears, calf tears, and ankle sprains. Soft tissue injuries are extremely common, particularly now that the holiday period is over and people are returning to sport. As a result, appropriate management of these injuries is essential. Several acronyms over…

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Thoracic spine (middle back) mobility and pain

The thoracic spine – or ‘middle back’ – is the forgotten middle sibling between the lower back (lumbar spine) and neck (cervical spine)! It’s not just forgotten when we discuss spinal pain, but also forgotten in the research. Back pain is common A 2009 study1 of over 34,000 people found over half had experienced back pain…

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Hamstring Strain

What are they? The hamstrings are a group of 3 muscles at the back of your thigh. A hamstring strain is when 1 or more of these muscles become injured, resulting in pain and loss of function. Hamstring strains can range from a simple over-stretching of the muscle (grade 1) up to a complete muscle…

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Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease

What is Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease? Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease is a common cause of knee pain in adolescents. Rather than a disease, it is technically a traction apophysitis. This occurs when there is inflammation where the tendon from the kneecap (patella) attaches onto the shin bone (tibia). This inflammation can result in pain at the front of the…

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