Feeding Clinic for fussy eaters

What is the Feeding Clinic?

Ethos Health paediatric dietitian Jane Watson and Let’s Eat Feeding Therapy speech pathologists are now offering a combined feeding clinic. The clinic has been running for over 12 months as a trial for our joint clients with very good outcomes so it is now available to all families concerned about their children’s eating.

The private feeding clinic is aimed at fussy eaters who require a multidisciplinary approach. More complex feeding cases will still be triaged to our separate teams for a full feeding/nutrition assessment.


Contact Ethos to enquire about the service.

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Dr Jane Watson - Newcastle Dietitian

PhD BHSc (N&D), GradCertPaedNutr

Who is suitable?

Children aged 18 months - 12 years without current feeding support showing signs of feeding difficulties.

Signs of feeding difficulties may include:

  • avoiding certain types of foods
  • disliking certain textures
  • displaying mealtime difficulties, such as throwing food, crying or taking a long time to eat
  • refusing to eat meals that the rest of the family is having
  • eating well at daycare but not at home
  • requiring negotiation or bribery to eat
  • growth concerns or on supplemental feeds

Please find attached further information about the clinic. Services can be provided in person or via telehealth.