Healthy Families for Life and HCF

Healthy Families for life and HCF

You might not be aware, but Ethos Health has worked with the HCF for a few years now on a range of member and corporate health initiatives. Last year we received a request from HCF that was right in our sweet spot – we were asked to develop a solution to help HCF members access high-quality information, resources and targeted support to help optimise nutrition through childhood. We’re very pleased to announce that after lots of work from our clinical and tech geniuses, stage 1 of this solution, HCF Healthy Families for Life program, has just gone live!

The Healthy Families for Life program is the first in what we hope will be a series of stepped-care health platforms, enabled by technology, that help us help more people. You can learn more about the program here. At present, the services are fully funded for HCF members who meet specific eligibility criteria, but the resources and expert clinician support are accessible to all patients with the usual rebates available through private health insurance extras cover (no referral required) or medicare (with TCA referral from your GP).

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