Strategic Musculoskeletal Disorder Review

CLIENT: NSW HealthShare

INDUSTRY: Healthcare

DURATION: March 2022 - Current

WORKFORCE: Over 4000 people

Health Share

HealthShare NSW is a state-wide shared service for NSW Health. Over 4,000 employees provide food, linen, patient transport and other services at over 150 sites servicing hospitals and other NSW Health facilities.


Ethos Health was selected by HSNSW to:

  • Review current HMT management systems and develop a new framework to sustainably reduce injuries.
  • Investigate the trends in the cause of injury and relevant contributing factors

Develop a strategic plan to reduce injury rates and associated costs across the state that can be measured against defined metrics to track the plans effectiveness.

Orange blank map of Australia. Vector illustration


Profiler Screenshot report

Profile hazardous manual task

Profile the Physical, Environmental and Psychosocial risk factors associated with a role or a specific task. Manage all of your organisations tasks risk profile in one place where you can match suitable duties and manage controls and recommendations across company wide tasks.


Staff Profile: James Morris

James with his lovely wife Gabi When and how did you start working for Ethos? After graduating, I worked in ...
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Splitting time between home and the office?

Question What do a multi-site law firm, a local council with 1000 employees, a financial services business, the Australian operations ...
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Online Fatigue Management Platform

Our new FatigueTech platform is the easiest way to implement, monitor and manage a workplace fatigue risk management system. Fatigue ...
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Hunter Safety Award Winner

We are very proud to be the Hunter Safety Award winner of the Best WHS Training Course for 2021. Our ...
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Staff Profile: Matt Cooper

When and how did you start working for Ethos? It was more of a transition to Ethos Health than a ...
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“My industry, organisation or department doesn’t need to do pre-employment screening”

You are quite possibly correct! You might have a division, or indeed a whole workforce, of roles with very low ...
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MoveSAFE Injury Prevention Framework

Reducing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace is challenging – as we all know, there’s a lot more ...
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Healthy Families for Life and HCF

You might not be aware, but Ethos Health has worked with the HCF for a few years now on a ...
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Why & How to conduct a Fatigue Risk Assessment ?

Many workers are exposed to a variety of fatigue hazards such as extended work hours, shift work, high stress environments, ...
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Would you like to create a plan to transform the Health and Wellbeing of your Workforce?

Implementing health and wellbeing programs can be challenging but there is potential for huge benefit. As you know, the health ...
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Home Ergonomics – Planning a ‘New Normal’ in your Organisation? This will help

It's broadly accepted that after the pandemic, we're likely to see many people and organisations continue to embrace more flexible ...
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Managing heat stress risk – is your organisation doing enough?

On January 2nd 1960, Oodnadatta airport in South Australia registered a daytime temperature of 50.7oC degrees Celsius, the highest recorded ...
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Ethos Health establish another onsite clinic in the Hunter Valley

Ethos Health are happy to announce we are partnering with Mangoola Coal to provide regular onsite physiotherapy and health services. ...
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Staff profile: Karen Barnett

When and how did you start working for Ethos Health? After returning to Australia from living overseas for 5 years, ...
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Heat stress and heat-related illness

The last month has seen unprecedented hot weather across Australia, which has raised the risk of heat-related illness. Heat stress and heat-related illness can ...
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Top 5 Health and Wellbeing Workshops for your Organisation

1. Rethink the Sugary Drinks 45 minutes, Onsite Sugar sweetened beverages are contributing the most added sugar to Australians’ diet ...
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Active Workstation Ergonomics – What are the Benefits?

One of the biggest health issues in Western cultures in recent times is sedentary behaviour (costs associated with sedentary behaviour), ...
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Making significant differences to health of employees

Our CEO Dr Trent Watson presented on a panel at Newcastle Business Club event on Tuesday 7 May 2019 attended ...
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Workplace Health = Workplace Wealth

Organisations are increasingly recognising that managing the health and safety of their workforce is good business. Employees spend approximately one ...
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Winners of the HSEC Conference Health Excellence Award

Ethos Health congratulates Thiess Mt Owen for winning the New South Wales Mineral Council's (NSWMC) coveted Health Excellence Award with ...
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Linking Body Fat and Musculoskeletal Pain

The association between body fat percentage and pain is significant and complex. It may be a more useful measure than ...
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Workplace Health Programs: Australian research leading a global movement

There is much discussion about the potential benefits of workplace health programs to individuals and the employer. It has been ...
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ReShape your organisation – health and wellness strategy workshop

Implementing a health and wellness strategy can be challenging but there is potential for huge benefit. As you know, the ...
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CEO Trent Watsons year in review

trent-review-2016.png Well Christmas is nearly here and another year has gone. This time of the year brings with it the ...
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What does a contemporary Fatigue Risk Management System look like?

At what level of fatigue would you want the workforce to stop and take action?Fatigue risk management system   Ethos ...
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How serious is getting manual handling right?

As a health and safety professional, what do you class as a manual task related injury? Yes, we know that ...
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Ethos Health: A snapshot from our CEO – 6 months in review

Blink! The first six months of 2017 has gone in a flash. Well, this is an attempt to stop, reflect ...
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RESHAPE: A new frontier in obesity management in NSW mining

The 2017 NSW Mining Health, Safety, Environment and Community conference saw the launch of an industry health and wellbeing strategy ...
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Ethos Health’s highlights from the 2017 Mining Conference

mining_conference_2017.png The 2017 NSW Minerals Council Health, Safety, Environment and Community Conference took place at Crowne Plaza Hunter Valley in ...
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InBody Scan

What is InBody? InBody Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) Technology is a standardised approach to analysing body composition. BIA is a ...
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Driver Fatigue: Is it acceptable to drive when you are tired?

Fatigue has been reported to be four times more likely than drugs or alcohol to affect an individual’s ability to ...
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Goodbye to a founder of Ethos Health It’s not often we reserve a newsletter space for a staff member who is leaving (fortunately, we have had ...
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CEO Trent Watson: The year in review

Ethos Health year in review: This past year has been an exciting one for us, one that feels like a ...
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Safe Work Workers’ Compensation latest statistics – Injury trends

Safe Work Australia has recently published their latest report on Australian Workers' Compensation statistics, for the 2015-16 period. The report ...
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Meet the workplace consulting team!

With the new year we have a few new faces, so it seems a good time to introduce our workplace ...
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Port of Newcastle employees lose 106kgs in 6 weeks

rapid-wight-loss-challenge-port-newcastle.JPG Health and wellbeing challenge As Newcastle is the largest coal exporting harbour in the world it requires an elite ...
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Workplace Physio Urgently Required

wps-physio-wanted.png Do you want more from your physiotherapy career? The flexibility to fit in time for yourself and your family ...
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Staff profile – Nick Davies

nick_dogs.png   When and how did you start working for Ethos? In late 2016, my brother met Dan O’Neill (Ethos ...
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Sleep disorders in the workforce

The cost of poor sleep Sleep is a restorative function of the body, and inadequate quality or quantity of sleep ...
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Home office ergonomics and design

Working from home? Can good home office ergonomics and good design co-exist? He might not have the public profile of ...
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RESHAPE Workshop: Summary Report

On March 21, the RESHAPE workshop was held with representatives from seven organisations from a range of industries, including mining, ...
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$585,000 paid to a worker due to poor manual handling instructions

Workplace health and safety is a shared responsibility; per the WHS Act, employers have a duty to identify, eliminate or ...
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How can organisations get the most out of staff health assessments

We’ve had lots of enquiries this year for our employee and executive staff health assessments, so it’s a good time ...
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Dr Trent Watson as a caricature.

drawing_of_trent.png Whilst conducting fatigue awareness training in Queensland one attendee showed his appreciation by handing Trent a quick caricature at ...
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Top 10 Healthy Sleeping Tips

Like oxygen, water and food; sleep is essential for life, as well as for health and wellbeing. The following 10 ...
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Webinar – How to Manage Fatigue in the Resources Industry?

Peter Standish on behalf of AUSIMM will be conducting a webinar with our very own Trent Watson and will be ...
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Human behaviours increasing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries

Human beings are creatures of habit. Most activities we perform during our working days are undertaken subconsciously or out of ...
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Ethos Health Workplace Consultant raised over $7,300 for amputee victim.

pablo(1).png Our Fatigue and Manual Handling consultant Matt Cooper, raised over $7,300 for a friend who had both his arms ...
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Napping at Work…good fatigue strategy or dismissable offence?

Whilst working alongside many shift working organisations, Dr Trent Watson has had an increasing number of enquiries about the position ...
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How to create a fatigue risk management system and resistant culture?

The team at Ethos Health have had the pleasure of being part of Kalari’s national “Stop for Safety Days” across ...
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Ethos Health at HPMI conference

news-image.png Ethos Health were a silver sponsor at the annual Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute. A well respected and attended conference ...
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If Santa lost weight!

Santa.png If Santa lost 5-10 kilograms, he would: improve blood glucose control, blood pressure and cholesterol levels enhance lung function ...
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Is too much sitting killing you?

Stand-up-for-your-health_New.jpg How many hours do you sit each day? Being seated for long periods is emerging as one of the ...
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A lack of sleep isn’t the only reason we get fatigued

fatigue-email.png Sleep and Fatigue Whilst it is acknowledged that sleep is a significant risk factor, it is not the only ...
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Healthy Workers = happy and productive workers

An article in the Hunter Business Review says healthy employees are three times more productive than their colleagues, take less ...
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Obese workers take 88 per cent more sick leave

The link between work absences and obesity is well established, further supported by a recent German study that has proven ...
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The Truth about Sports Drinks

The development of sports drinks and the focus on hydration can be traced back to the boom in road running, ...
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Dance Physiotherapy and Injury Prevention

ballerina_shutterstock_120424846_New.jpg You probably aren’t surprised to hear Dancers suffer foot injuries much more frequently than people in almost any other ...
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Tradie Health Month

Tradies_New.jpg Did you know 33% of males in the construction industry have high blood pressure, and 45% are at high ...
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Hunter Innovation Forum 15-17 May

Ethos Health are proudly participating in the Hunter Innovation Forum with Mark Cameron and Dr Jane Watson presenting on Friday ...
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The Key Ingredients for Happiness

Happiness is a fundamental human goal. On the 20 March it was International Happiness Day. The history The initiative to ...
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Media Release Healthy Weight Week 2014

17-23 February 2014 is Healthy Weight Week. This years theme is healthy cooking. Read our media release and brush up ...
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NCIG Smash the Ethos Health RAPID Weight Loss Challenge

RAPID is a 6 week weight loss program that Ethos Health runs within workplaces. A relatively new product, it is ...
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Results are in …Ethos Health Diabetes Blitz

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5 in 6 coal miners now overweight – What’s the plan?

mining-nsw-blog-4.png Ethos Health were proud to be part of this year’s NSW Minerals Council Health Safety and Environment Conference with ...
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A wellness program that works

NCIG-lunch.jpg NCIG – Dining out on better health outcomes with a Corporate Lunchbox! Ethos Health would like to congratulate the ...
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